SDG-seminar 4.10.2023
Digital Single Market team organised the SDG Seminar
On 4 October 2023, the KEHA Centre’s Digital Single Market team organised the SDG Seminar through Teams. Approximately 150 people from the central government participated in the seminar.
The seminar was launched with invitation speeches from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and the European Commission. The speakers emphasised the digital single market’s great importance for both Finland and the entire Europe. A panel discussion followed the invitation speeches, and the discussion focused on how cross-border users could be better taken into account in the development of services. At the end of the seminar, the audience was divided into three small groups that discussed the cross-border solutions of services and the single digital gateway and good and cost-effective e-service practices.
Based on the feedback received, the seminar was successful. For presentations and recordings, contact the Digital Single Market team.
- Opening speech: Niina Etelävuori, Senior Specialist (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment)
- Invitation speeches
- Mikko Kuoppala, Ministerial Adviser (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment): Cross-border clients as an opportunity: Why should we invest in cross-border clients?
- David Blanchard, DG GROW, Deputy Head of the Unit G3 (EC): Implementation of the SDGR and the Once Only Principle
- Panel discussion: The single market in practice
- Carina Johansson, ICT Specialist (Tax Administration)
- Kimmo Kari, Senior Specialist (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment)
- Heikki Makkula, Chief Information Officer (KEHA Centre)
- Mikko Mattinen, Director (Digital and Population Data Services Agency)
- Kimmo Mäkinen, Senior Specialist (Ministry of Finance)
- Small group presentations
- Cross-border solutions in services
- Single digital gateway: Cross-border solutions and cooperation
- Good and cost-effective practices for implementing the use of services across borders