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Projectathon 1–3 OOTS testing events

The main objective of the events was to collect information on the interoperability of the OOTSs of different EU member states.

Projectathon #1

In 2023, the European Commission organised three Projectathon testing events between the OOTSs of different countries. The objective of the testing events was to ensure that the OOTSs of EU member states and the shared components produced by the European Commission would function together as an ecosystem before the implementation of the SDG regulation and the OOTSs in December 2023.

In the first Projectathon between 19 and 21 April 2023, the Finnish team successfully tested its own OOTS with Sweden, Portugal, Slovenia and the Netherlands. The team also recorded useful observations on the interoperability of the Finnish OOTS, the systems of other EU member states and the shared components.

A report on the Projectathon was published.


Projectathon #2

In the second Projectathon between 14 and 16 June 2023, the Finnish team was able to utilise test data from the Population Information System, but as many countries had to use a certain test person, the team often had to enter the test person information manually into the Finnish OOTS.

At the event, the Finnish team tested six different cases of the 10 Projectathon test cases defined by the European Commission. Finland’s test partners included Malta, Sweden, Portugal, Germany and Italy.

Read the Projectathon #2:n report.

Projectathon #3

Between 18 and 20 October 2023, the Finnish team participated in the last OOTS testing event of the year, Projectathon #3. At the event, the team succeeded in testing its OOTS with Malta, Italy, Portugal, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Austria, Belgium, Spain, Hungary, Germany and Sweden. This time, the team tested nine out of ten test cases.

The testing event was gamified. Each test case was scored. Finland’s team was the sixth best team by score. Italy scored the most points.

Read also the Projectathon #3 report.